Sunday 13 October 2013

thumbnails 90-103 (coloured)

this is my first thumbnails after the OGR and i choose the target for kinds, as i think that will be good way to present the layers of massive jungle . I am trying to change the scale from big to small and it was more interesting than the whole objects. I can solve the perspective and composition problem easier as i found that is quit hard to find composition and perspective in natural or  organic things  while now i can play more on different angles of my work. And after the Photoshop workshop yesterday , i try to paint with a clear colour than smooth and blur , 95-103 were  after the lecture as i am inspired and encouraged to use comparative colours or mono colouring the painting and they show lovely effect and lighting , moods were created better than 90-94. i am going to do research on Pocahontas(1995)and Tarzan (1999) which were the Disney Classic animation with jungle and i think that would help for the colour scheme and moods.


  1. Really like the colour scheme on 94,95 and 97 :D

    1. thank you joey :) i am still doing the experiment of colours :)

  2. really like what you're putting together in 101 and 102 - lovely! :)

  3. thank you phil , thats really help :)

  4. theres something about 102 that really catches my eye, youre colour comps are really beautiful and very complimentary :)

    Also incase you didnt know:
